Last week I saw my doctor on Monday and my BP had continued to rise. However, it wasn't at pre-eclampsia status and neither was the protein in my urine. So we decided to remove the cerclage on Valentines Day, keep me overnight for observation, and see what happened. She also sent me home with instructions on taking my BP and also testing my urine for protein at home.
By Wednesday my blood pressure was really too high for comfort. My OB had us to come to her office and immediately sent us to the hospital with talk of induction. Of course, once I was in the hospital my BP started going back down. After running labs and some other tests, though, it was determined that I have mild pre-eclampsia. So, my doctor made the decision, based on various reasons, to keep me in the hospital until I deliver.
At this point, the cerclage is still in. Right now, it is not doing any harm. Because I'm in the hospital it is easily monitored and can be removed immediately if I start to contract. They are watching me closely and have me on "toxemia" protocol. If my BP or labs begin trending forward, we will have the discussion about induction. Right now, we are just in a waiting game to see if my body decides to go into labor itself. Average twin gestation is 36/37 weeks so I can't imagine going much longer.
Hospital bedrest isn't what we wanted or imagined. But I'm so grateful, after where we started, that I've carried these babies to a safe point! It's nothing less than a miracle. It's hard because the hospital is an hour from home. Justin stayed this weekend, but during the week has been/will drive back and forth so he can work, visit me, then get back home to take care of our responsibilities at the house and sleep. Thankfully, both my siblings live here where the hospital is and my mom has flexibility with her job. So I have visitors in and out until Justin can get here after school.
I know when I hold these beautiful babies in my arms it will be worth it. I will forget the struggle and how hard it was to get here, and the difficulties of the pregnancy!
"For these children I prayed; and The Lord hath given me what I asked of Him." 1 Sam 1:27
That's awesome that you've made it to 36 weeks! I can't wait to "meet" your little miracles!