Saturday, August 10, 2013

Infertility: Day 2

I wrote this post June 26, 2013.


Of our 13 eggs retrieved, 12 were mature enough to be fertilized and 6 made it through the first day. We will know tomorrow morning if we implant on Day 3 or wait until Day 5.

I'm generally feeling better today. Not as much pressure and discomfort. I'm trying to drink 90+ ounces of water daily, so needless to say that adds to the discomfort. And I do believe I was up at least half a dozen times last night to pee. These little embryos are already dictating my schedule before they are even in my tummy. 

Yesterday I spent most of the day traveling home and resting. I am working from home this week (huge blessing) so that I can truly allow my body the time it needs to heal. Today I went into the office for an hour or so, and spent my day alternating between doing work and resting.

I'm anxious for tomorrow. I just want to know how many babies we have.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Infertility: Retrieval - Day 0

I wrote this post June 24, 2013.

Well friends, today was a big day. We were up and at 'em and at the doctors office by 7:30. We were called right back where they took me into pre-op. I changed into a gown, got comfy in the bed and was hooked up to the monitors. My heart rate was through the roof.

A quick selfie before going in:

The staff was great! I was a nervous wreck about the anesthesia and the IV. The doctor came in to talk with us before the procedure and explained what would happen. Then the anesthesiologist came in. He was not my favorite person people. I have HORRIBLE veins. Horrible. Thank goodness he had the shots of lidocaine. Which hurt like a b by the way. He had to stick me TWICE but finally got an IV started. By the time he was finished I was covered in hives and crying (just a few tears squeaked out). Not long after I kissed Jay and headed to procedure. 

I have only been put under any kind of anesthesia once, when I had my wisdom teeth out when I was 18. I do not do well with the feeling of being out of control of my body, and when he pushed the first round of medicine and I felt myself feel "loopy" I started hyperventilating. Thankfully they calmed me down quickly (or the sweet medicine did) and the next thing I remember is waking up in recovery. I asked Justin probably 100 times how many eggs they retrieved and what the doctor said. Apparently I was also very upset that I "paid $28,000 for these shitty pillows!" Um yeah, not sure where that came from. I was pretty emotional and in some considerable pain, but drifted back off to sleep for another hour or so. When I woke up I drank some juice and felt much better. I was so hungry when we left I demolished a bread bowl from Panera :)

I also, in my very groggy, still under anesthesia induced haze, told Justin to take a picture of me so I could put it on the blog. I was still so medicine-drunk I couldn't lift my head!

I slept all afternoon in our hotel and got up around 6:00 to shower. Justin's mom and sister happened to be in St. Louis today for her birthday, so we met them for a quick dinner. It did me good to get up and out.

I'm feeling better now. We are headed back home tomorrow morning, only to be back soon for the transfer. 13 beautiful eggs were harvested today. I'm praying for a call tomorrow that says 13 beautiful eggs fertilized and are on their way to embryos.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Infertility: 'twas the night before

I wrote this post June 23, 2013 in the middle of our infertility process. I knew that I would want to remember the details and that some day, someone else would be thirsting to hear what it was like to be in this place. 

Retrieval.  Yep, that's right folks. Retrieval! My body responded fairly quickly to pretty low doses of medications!

A week ago Friday I started with 225 units of Follistim. Mondays blood work showed I was already responding well, so they lowered that to 75 units and added 75 units of Menopur (the lowest dose).

By Wednesday, despite a nightmare HOUR it took for them to get maybe 1/8 a vial of blood, my estradiol levels were climbing. This Friday brought an ultrasound which showed 7 follicles on the left ovary and 13 follicles on the right, all at least 13mm! My estradiol level was over 2000. When the nurse called that afternoon she said they wanted me back Saturday morning for another ultrasound and bloodwork. The tech was great and told me immediately Saturday that I had 2 new follicles and all had grown greatly overnight! The nurse called us fairly quickly and said it was trigger time! My estradiol had soared to over 4000 overnight so all those follicles are ready to make eggs.

The trigger shot was fairly anticlimactic although the timing had to be impeccable. Justin injected it Saturday night at 8:30 exactly. It was a shock since it was IM, but not too painful.

So here we are. A mere 10 hours or so away from retrieval. I'm very uncomfortable at this point and my lower stomach is swollen tremendously. I feel like I already look a few weeks pregnant and clothing is very annoying! I've pretty much been wearing my robe in the hotel room unless we go out. We ended up staying in St. Louis since Friday and won't go home until Tuesday morning. It makes the most sense.

I'm also pretty nervous about the anesthesia. It freaks me out a little. But I know I'm in good hands. This whole process has been ordained by God since the very first appointment.... Really, since three years ago or so.

Here's to lots of eggs who fertilize and make stage 1 blastocysts! We are praying for a safe, quick and fruitful procedure that leaves us with some frozen embryos for future use. I don't think my girls or Justin's boys will let us down.

 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11