Thursday, July 25, 2013

Christmas in July?

Today's topic for Jenna's commenting challenge is Christmas. I have not really even began to think about Christmas, except for the fact that since January I have been putting $30/week into a Christmas Club savings account!

Today's post is about sharing some of your Christmas gifts you already have in mind OR about your favorite Christmas gift.

I guess my FAVORITE Christmas was the Christmas of 2008. I was taken by total surprise with Justin proposed to me! Christmas is my favorite holiday ever. We had a tradition (even back then) which we still carry on to give each other an ornament every year. Sometimes it is something to do with the past year, or a favorite sport or hobby, or maybe just something that reminded us of the other person.

Anyway, that Christmas morning Justin came over to my parents house as usual to open gifts. He told me he had something I may want to open a little early because I might need it. {Sidenote - at this point I was convinced it was something electronic that HE really wanted}. However, when I opened the bag I saw this:

I was in such shock I didn't even get what he was doing! I finally realized he was down on one knee and I couldn't get any words out, until I finally started crying.

PS - Look how YOUNG we are!
Definitely my best Christmas ever :)

While we were engaged, my sister threw us a Christmas engagement party as well. Following our ornament theme, each person brought us a special ornament to hang on our tree. I love going through the ornaments each year and reminiscing about who gave us each one.

Definitely two of our most memorable Christmas experiences!

Like I said, I love love love Christmas. I love decorating, cooking, baking, watching Christmas movies, praying for snow, drinking hot chocolate. Everything about it. No doubt whatsoever - Christmas is one of my absolute favorite times of the year. Even when it isn't something crazy special going on!


  1. I'm with you ONE HUNDRED percent! I love christmas..and I love everything about it! :) That is such a sweet engagement story!

  2. What a sweet story! I love Christmas, too (although not because I got engaged-- it's just a really magical time, don't you think?)

    (stopping by from Jenna's commenting challenge!)

    1. Definitely! I don't think you can beat the magic of Christmas. Close second may be Disney World but that's about it!

  3. Love that story!! What a special time!
