Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Favorite TV Series

I'm linking up again over with Jenna at Jenna's Journey. Today's topic is favorite TV shows and series.

I'm slightly embarrassed to tell you what is on my DVR. I have an addiction to reality TV shows that are probably considered ridiculous! In the name of the game, I'll fess up to what I'm watching now.

I always DVR Keeping Up With the Kardashians. It's so crazy and drama filled I can't stop watching!

I also love Tia and Tamera! I remember watching Sister Sister. They are funny and down-to-earth and its a pretty clean show.

My very, very favorite is Giuliana and Bill. Their story hits so close to home. I was so excited when this season came back on!

I also watch Sister Wives and of course, Duck Dynasty. As far as series go, during the prime time season we always watch How I Met Your Mother. I'm simultaneously excited and sad for this final season. I also watch Grey's Anatomy, although the last few seasons have been sub-par. We started watching Parenthood and Scandal  on Netflix, but I need to finish and catch up before starting the new season.

It sounds like I watch a lot of TV. Honestly most gets DVRed and I will watch on my lunch hour or on a weekend morning. I don't watch a lot of television during the evenings.

What ate your can't miss shows?


  1. I agree about Grey's. I used to be on the sofa at 9:00 on Thursday nights without fail. They lost me with the plane crash though. I watched about 6.37 minutes of that and turned it off. Have only watched a few episodes since then.

    1. That was definitely the beginning of the end with me. Not that it was ever super believable - but now they are just silly.

  2. I found my way from the commenting challenge. I love Sister Wives. I get completely addicted when it is on. I have to know what is going on with them!

    Kelly @ http://theadventuresofthekeitzerfamily.blogspot.com/

    1. I know! I read their book too - it was so interesting.

  3. I'm here from Jenna's Journey. I'm a reality TV fan, too.

  4. I love Tia & Tamera, Guiliana & Bill, and Duck Dynasty!!

  5. Claire, I'm so happy to find your awesome blog. I Love Giuliana and Bill, and The Kardashians too! Hope you are having a great day! I'm coming from Jenna's challenge! Have fun this week during the commenting challenge!

    1. Thanks so much! I do love some reality TV :)
