Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bringing Faith to Life

Today I'm linking up with a group of bloggers over at Kelly's Korner who are talking about faith. Today's topic is "Bringing Faith to Life."

I was recently talking to one of my closest friends about a woman who is one of the most faith-filled people I've ever met. My friend described it as "God shining through" her. That is what I strive to be in life. Each day, I want to bring my faith to life in such a way that everyone I meet sees God shine His light straight through me.

I will be the first to admit that I am a Sinner with a capital "S." I make mistakes and mess up every day. Here lately, I can admit that with the way life has happened, I haven't allowed God to shine from me - at least not very brightly.

But each day I wake up, I try to remember that I have the potential to bring my faith to life.

I do this through prayer. I have always been a constant prayer. If that's a term. I pray all day long on and off. It may be a 2 second prayer or a 2 minute prayer, but I stop many times throughout the day to speak to my Father. I need to make more of a priority to have specific prayer time. That is another way I strongly believe I can allow God to shine through me during the day. I'm not a morning person y'all. I'm late to work every single day of my life. But I think if I would just set my alarm, brew a cup of coffee and open up my Bible each morning I would be so richly rewarded.

Another way I've more recently started to bring my faith to life is through praise and worship music. My sweet new ride has XM radio, and I listen to The Message anytime I'm in the vehicle. Some days this can be quite a lot. I also listen to KLOVE or my Pandora Christian contemporary station during the day at work. I find myself stopping to sing along to songs or lyrics that call to me, and feel myself reach a sense of peace. It's a wonderful way to keep that connection all day long.

With our hectic, busy lifestyles, I think it can be easy to lose ourselves during the days and weeks and only live our faith on Sundays or at church or when it's convenient. I am just as guilty of this as anyone. I have been trying to make an effort however to be thoughtful in my actions, and pray God-sized prayers, and live each day as an example of my faith and the wonderful love my God and Jesus Christ provides to me.

I hope that this blog, when I'm not complaining or talking about our random weekend dates, somehow reaches out and touches a life. I hope that the clients I come in contact with daily hear the faith in my voice and see it in my eyes. I hope my heart radiates warmth and my soul reaches out to embrace my brothers and sisters in Christ. I hope each evening, as I say my prayers and close my eyes, that God can look down and say "I'm proud of you my child. You are getting closer."


  1. Love this! I have also been trying to be intentional about my actions and my faith. Thank you for sharing, encouraging and linking up!

    1. Thank you! Some days it is much easier than others, that is for sure!

  2. I love your intention and your recognition that living out our faith doesn't mean being perfect. And I know that through your blog you will touch lives because you've said you want to. I think sometimes just by asking God for opportunities can make such a difference. Sharing your story will absolutely touch someone. THanks for linking up with us and for encouraging others through your words!

    1. Thank you for the sweet words. I am definitely not close to perfect - but I think it is always a struggle in anyone's walk of faith.

  3. hooray for music! praise and worship does so much for my day, my mood and my walk with the Lord. great thoughts and tips.

    1. It can definitely turn a bad day right on around!

  4. I love that quote - "God shining through her." I listen to Christian music throughout my day too and it helps so much!

    1. It is such a beautiful way to describe someone!
