Wednesday, June 13, 2012

30 Things: Day 23

List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.

This is hard for me! It didn't used to be - but once I started law school, and life became a roller coaster ride, I stopped having hobbies. I just didn't have much free time at all - and what time I did have, I didn't want to "do" anything.

Now, life has slowed down. Somewhat. So I have picked some hobbies back up. Some I actually participate in more than others - but they are all activities I really enjoy.

1) Reading

During law school, I think I maybe read a handful of books for pleasure. Even when I did have the time, I was SO tired of reading and thinking - I rarely did it. Now, I am slowly getting back into reading. I got a Nook a couple of years ago from my in-laws, and have just started really using it. While we were at the beach, I finished three books - and on our honeymoon, I read two or three.

I have a stack of "real" books too that I have been reading. There are some books (ie: the ones I just read on fertility & baby-making) that I want to have in actual print. I like to bookmark and fold pages and write and take them in the bathtub. It freaks me out to take a bath and read on the Nook - or get in the pool and float and read. I don't want to mess it up or get electrecuted.

Reading was my outlet for years. As a child, I read constantly. I read hundreds of books and completed so many series of books it was insane. I am hoping to rekindle that passion. 

2) Crafting

Again - I used to do this so much more. But every once in a while, I get the urge to make something. I am by no means an artist. But I like doing projects. It gives me a creative outlet. Hopefully I do more of this, especially as we have children.

3) Gardening/Yardwork

Especially in the spring and fall, I LOVE to be outside working in our yard. I love looking for flowers, picking the colors, arranging them just so. I think it is amazing to see the fruits of our work when our flowers are all in bloom and our yard looks so pretty! 

4) Napping

Hahaha. Seriously, though. I love me a good nap. There is nothing like a nice, refreshing mid-afternoon nap. Or a good lunchtime nap. Or the "I am too lazy to get up and go to bed so I fall asleep briefly on the couch" nap. Just what you need sometimes.

5) Working Out

This is new people. Very new. But, I have been actually working out at least four times a week for the past three weeks. <--- Like I said, new. But I also really enjoy going for walks with Justin and riding our bikes. Generally, just getting out and moving. My job is fairly sedentary. If I am not at court, I am sitting at my desk working on the computer. So I have started to somewhat enjoy - or at least make a priority, getting off my hiney and moving about!

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