Sunday, April 22, 2012

Disney World Recap - Hollywood Studios & Animal Kingdom

We probably spent the least amount of time at Hollywood Studios. There really weren't a lot of rides or attractions we were interested in. We did take advantage of the Extra Magic Hours and were able to walk right onto Tower of Terror. Right after dinner. Not the smartest move. I am pretty sure my Ruben came back up when that elevator dropped.

We did eat dinner at a really cool place called the Sci-Fi Drive In Theater. You ate in cars and there was a huge movie screen that played old sci-fi clips, cartoons and drive-in movie ads. It was really fun and worth going to!

We spent a little more time in Animal Kingdom. We went on the safari, which was interesting, but I don't know if we would do it again. They went SO fast it was almost impossible to get pictures or see anything. We both agreed our favorite rides were in Animal Kingdom, though. We LOVED Everest. It was crazy fun, and the Yetti about did me in. I was warned, but didn't realize how freaky it was! The picture that was snapped was hilarious. I look like I am about to barf, and am practically in Justin's lap, and he is laughing. We should have bought that one! We also liked the Kali River Rapids. We both ended up pretty soaked afterwards - but what's the point if you don't get wet?

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