Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Yellow Pants

Today I am wearing yellow skinny jeans. First, let me say I said I would NEVER wear skinny jeans. Broke that rule a while back... Along with the whole "never wear jeggings" OR "leggings aren't a substitute for pants." Whatevs. I like to be comfy yet stylish. Second, let me say I said I would NEVER wear colored pants. Again, broke that rule.

Something about these pants just make me HAPPY. It's like wearing a burst of sunshine on your hiney. So fun =)

 I am by no means a fashionista. I mainly go for clothes that are comfortable, yet stylish. Most days I can't wear super fun outfits because I need to be court appropriate. But let me tell you, on days that I can, I totally go for comfy!

Feeling better today. Yesterday my tummy was a little unsettled. Felt like it was fizzy? I don't know what that was about. I like to contribute it to allergies. Blame everything on allergies this time a year. Cranky?? It's my allergies. Bloated? It's my allergies. Hateful? It's my allergies! Hehe.

I'm really hoping I can talk Jay into going for another walk tonight. We went for about 45 minutes last night and it was so, so nice. We just talked, caught up on our day, and chatted. With no TV or Oreo needing attention. We looked at some nice homes in a subdivision close to ours and decided which ones we would jump on if they were put on the market. I think that is always fun to do - just dream about what you want or don't want in a future house.

Our list of wants, you ask? In no particular order:
  1. large yard, at least 2 acres
  2. Large master bedroom/bathroom suite with LARGE closets (we have a LOT of clothes)
  3. Open, updated kitchen
  4. Updated bathrooms
  5. Clean, updated flooring - don't want to have to rip out floors, put down tile/hardwood, ect.
  6. At least 4-5 bedrooms, 3 baths
Those hit the main points. Our hope is that the next home we buy, will be our home for a long time. So we want plenty of room for lots and lots of babies and kids!

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