Saturday, March 24, 2012

30 Things.... Day 6

What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?

I keep typing and deleting..... Because this is so tough to write. Two years ago, I was right in the middle of law school. Law school - the entire three years + bar prep - was honestly the hardest time of my life.

For me, nothing about law school was fun. Yes, I made some wonderful, great friends that I will cherish for the rest of my life. But other than that, law school was miserable. It was difficult, all consuming, and super stressful.

February of my second year of law school, my now-husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer. That threw me for the biggest loop of my life.... My heart broke with sadness and worry for him. I have never been that scared in my entire life. I have also never been that humbled. I was knocked to my knees and prayed breathlessly for hours upon hours at a time.

My husband is a survivor. He is the bravest, most upbeat, amazing human being I have ever had the privilege of knowing. He NEVER - not one. single. time. - questioned this. Amazing. He said he knew, from the beginning, that every little thing was gonna be alright.

Those few months of surgeries and treatment were hard. And I cannot even fathom how hard it was for him. But he never stopped smiling. He never got down. I rarely left his side, although for the first couple months I was sill in school three hours away.

Now, as it has passed, and my sweet husband is two years cancer free!!!! And close to two years post-treatment.... We reflect back.....

My husband told me the night before our wedding that he knew this had happened for a reason. God had shown him how, no matter what the circumstances, I loved him with every fiber in my body. God has shown the both of us what it means to have faith - in Him, and each other.

I am so thankful that the Ultimate Healer laid His hands upon my husband.


  1. Ummmm, this made me cry! He seriously was so amazing during that time & even though you had your breakdowns, you were also just as amazing =)
